Книга Robert Mangold

Книга Robert Mangold

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Книга Robert Mangold

Видео обзорhttps://youtu.be/awfbEfhIfBE

Состояние - очень хорошее, есть потертости по верхней прозрачной обложке, твердая тканевая обложка без следов времени, без отметок, пятен

Размер - 25.81 см на 25.98 см, толщина - 3.84 см

Количество страниц - 335

Вес книги - 2.092 кг

Год издания - 2000

Издательство - Phaidon Press Ltd.

Robert Mangold is a pre-eminent figure in post-war painting. His large, gently curving paintings are among the most majestically beautiful abstract works of the late 20th century. In contrast to the sober austerity of his minimalist peers, with whom he is often associated, Mangold uses unusual, subtle colours and soft, hand-drawn geometries, endowing his large-scale paintings with a unique sensibility and presence. This is a monograph on one of most significant contemporary painters working today and is a timely retrospective on his work, made in close association with the artist himself. Mangolds work is celebrated in this book by some of contemporary arts most prestigious writers, among them Robert Storr, Curator of Paintings and Sculpture at The Museum of Modern Art, New York. 

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